Thursday, November 14, 2013


On Tuesdays, I usually go to a chapel service at the local Seminary School.  Yesterday, I went again to hang out with new people, get out of the office and ultimately find God in the middle of my day.  Who would have thought that I would find much more then all of that.  The service was a contemplative, much like our Taize services we led in College.  It brought me back to good friends, good memories and a closeness with God.  The scripture that was read was 
       One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” He said to them, “When you pray, say: ‘Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive those who sin against us.  And lead us not into temptation.
    ~Luke 11:1-4
It was read three times, and each time forgiveness was a theme that stuck out in my mind.  At first, I was a bit stuck up about it, kept thinking, I have no one to forgive! But when other thoughts popped into my mind, the thought that pushed it out was forgive those who sins against us.  Its powerful how meditating on a simple few verses can make a huge impact.  I found that deep inside there was a small part of me that needed to forgive others, as well as myself.  Sometimes, there is a small voice inside my head that says, you aren't making the most of this opportunity that is in front of you.  This opportunity is amazing and you can do great things with this program if you can focus for a bit longer to embrace the new possibilities.  Once I forgive myself for thinking that this opportunity is being wasted or even not embraced, I can find joy in the unknown.  I have no idea what will happen in the next four weeks, besides getting the program started and off the ground.  I keep praying for our students and volunteers, and sometimes I wish that I could have done some of this sooner in my time here, but God works for a reason and he does things for a reason.  If I can remember that, and think that the order of how things are going, I will know that he will never leave me stranded in a place I can't handle or do something I cannot handle.  
I am so grateful for the people I am working with and the people I have in my life now.  There is so many opportunities I would never had if I had not moved to Oklahoma City.  Some of these new experiences include: meeting the greatest three year old ever; having a wonderful supervisor who can laugh with me and joke around to lighten up the situation; two wonderful and brilliant pastors in my life who are always there when I need support or encouragement; new friends who help me adjust to life in Oklahoma; a roommate who was in my place a few years ago, away from home and trying to adjust to a new life who can help encourage me; learning what FLAT truly means; being able to call myself a Director of a program at 23 years old; and finally truly learning that God works in amazing ways, we are all connected, especially the young adult missionaries!  
I really hope that if anyone who needs encouragement can read this and gleam something from it, hopefully some people will read this and relate to my situation, and being able to find joy in the small things!

(Small things.. title of the next blog!! Look forward to it)


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