Monday, November 25, 2013

Small Things

The small things in life can make the most impact.  Receiving and email from someone who you have been waiting to hear from, learning your blog is reaching people internationally or simply playing and laughing with a three year old while decorating for Christmas.  In my short time in mission I have learned to embrace the small things in life and overlook the overwhelming things that need to get accomplished.  For instance, this past Saturday we decorated the church for Christmas.  If anyone knows me really well, I LOVE THIS SEASON!! From November 1 until January 1.  My most favorite time of the year! So being asked to help decorate the church for the Holiday season, was a must do activity.  The weather is beginning to get colder, and being warm in church with my new found Oklahoma Family was a great feeling.  Playing hide and seek with my three year old friend and laughing while we decorate the tree.  These little things in life make the difference between missing home and friends, and fully embracing myself in this new life.

I have to admit the weather out here is a bit weird.  On Thursday we could see the cold front coming in form the north, and being able to feel the temperature drop was quite the experience.  I keep hearing that when it snows, everything shuts down, and that can't be more true.  There was sleet and a bit of snow falling on Sunday morning and there were many churches who closed down because of the weather.  I even got an excuse from attending church because I live far away.  I never left my apartment except to take the trash out.
At the same time that I am grateful for being in a great place with a great roommate and wonderful people to work with, I am humbled by how lucky I am.  I don't have to live outside, or even have to be outside when it is cold.  I live in a great apartment that has running water, heat and electricity.  I have food in my pantry and clothes in my closet.  The more time I spend working with this church and the congregation here, I am reminded that I am very fortunate and very lucky.  Even saying that I love the cold weather and wish it would get cold more often is something that is rarely heard from me anymore because there are some people in our church who live outside.  It breaks my heart that there isn't anything I can do for people who are not as fortunate as I am.  I do not have the funds to give away food constantly or even provide a safe place to sleep.

In this season of Thanksgiving and being thankful for all that we have, family, friends, and a warm place to call home, remember those who are less fortunate around us and spread holiday cheer with everyone no matter the circumstances.  Another life lesson that was firmed the other day, while shopping in the grocery store was that if you extend graciousness it will be extended back.

Those are some thoughts on this Monday before Thanksgiving! Also, I don't know if my brother reads this but tomorrow is his birthday, my little brother.  He is turning 21 (WHERE DID THE TIME GO!!) and I just ask prayers for him tomorrow as he celebrates turning into a well rounded adult! Love ya bro!!

Thanks for reading!!

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