Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lessons Learned from Starting a Program

These past few months I have been starting an after school program for third grade students in this area.  Now that our first session is over, I can now look back and realize the small things that I have learned. 

1. Plan, Plan, Plan.  Much of this program is having to plan.  It was hard to plan before we ever started the program because I didn't know what to expect.  Now that we have a clear view and idea of what we need to be doing and what kinds of things the kids like to do.  It is also easy to plan for a single idea that covers the whole program.  For example, this past session we had an artist that came in and worked with the students for seven weeks.  We had a painter and a dancer and they worked with the students everyday for and hour, Monday through Thursday.  It ended up that most of the students got bored of doing the same thing day after day.  This brings us to the next point.

2. Make sure everyone knows what needs to be done.  During our program some lines of communication got crossed and somethings that needed to be said were not said until it was too late.  For instance if your idea of having an activity led by someone else start at a certain, don't say that the leader should arrive at that time, they should be ready to teach at that time.  This was a huge problem with our last session.  The start times were not respected by our artists and sometimes we would start late, the kids would not know what to do, and when the teacher got into the class, many things went unnoticed and techniques were not taught like we wanted or had envisioned them to be taught and went unnoticed for a while. 

3. The little details are sometimes the most important.  When things are being planned or addressed try not to overlook the little details.  For instance, what kinds of books the kids had access to, or what happens when the students do not have homework, is there a camera that can be accessible, which students can have their picture taken, which ones cannot, if an event is happening and someone is bringing a refreshment make sure it is well known that it will be dropped off in time to get it set up.  Those kinds of things are important to remember and lessons I have learned from the first session of The Gallery.

4. And lastly, if volunteers are needed make sure they know what they need to do.  Sometimes lines of communication break down, when all parties don't know what is expected of them.  Sometimes when saying we are an arts program, volunteers may think they are teaching instead of volunteering.  I have learned that when you think you have enough volunteers, always get more or have more on board to have more available when needed. 

These are just some things that I have learned over the past few weeks as our program gets started.  I am very hopeful for the future, much to look forward to and I am excited at how the planning is coming along.  Hopefully more posts will be coming soon! Enjoy!!